"I started a cookie club in my class in grade school. Everyone who signed up got a free cookie...""Once I got badly bitten by a dog and was then afraid of them. I then bought a dog of my own...""When I was younger, I borrowed a few thousand bucks from a friend to fix my car. I never did...""I am happily married now to a great guy and we have a good sex life. I had a hot affair with...""I had an affair with my boss.""I was introducing to a girl name Alex six months ago who has a boyfriend. I have a girlfriend...""well, i did the dumbest thing. i slept with my boss. he's married, i'm married. now i'm sorta...""I have an uncommon fetish with pantyhose... not wearing it, but seeing it on women. I love it...""A few months ago I ate about 3 french pastries...it was totally decadent... tasted so good but...""Okay well , i used to have this bestfriend . well her and her bf broke up and me and him started...""Sometimes, when i get nervous, i stick my hands in my armpits and then i pull them out and smell...""I should have brought her a smile of pure confidence and satisfaction. I should have made her...""God. I did it again today. I had sex with my new boyfriend. We have been together for a little...""I was 25 years old, married with two kids. I cheated on my husband and became pregnant. I had...""Too many young women have been denied the opportunity to nurture their children and too many children..."
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