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  Confessions - 20.4%
  Secrets - 10.7%
  Affairs - 9.7%
  Other - 7.8%
  Fear - 7.8%
  Obsession - 5.8%
  Not For Parents - 5.8%
  Lust - 5.8%
  Regret - 5.8%
  Secret Crush - 4.9%
  Anger - 4.9%
  Uncommon Behavior - 3.9%
  Cheating - 2.9%
  Stealing - 1.9%
  Revenge - 1.0%
  Make A Wish - 1.0%

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submissions to date: 566587

Submissions by Sexes

  Female - 50.6%
  Male - 24.1%
  Other - 25.3%

Submissions by Languages

  English - 69.0%
  French - 2.3%
  Spanish - 2.3%
  Mandarine - 1.1%
  Other - 25.3%

Submissions by Religions

  Christian - 34.5%
  Atheist - 9.2%
  Agnostic - 6.9%
  Jewish - 6.9%
  Baptist - 5.7%
  Buddist - 2.3%
  Hindu - 1.1%
  Other - 33.3%

Submissions by Countries

  Canada - 37.9%
  United States of America - 33.3%
  Other - 28.7%

Submissions by Ages

  Adult - 43.7%
  Young Adult - 18.4%
  Adolescant - 9.2%
  Senior - 1.1%
  Other - 27.6%

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